Stepping out after a time of ‘turning inwards’ might feel a little strange and new. Its been so long since we had our last Yoga Classes and all our routines have been altered and changed.

What a journey we have all been on!

If you are like me you might have set up some excellent new routines and ways of approaching life and this time might have provided you with awakenings and insights that could even mean you make some profound changes. We have had time to reflect on all manner of things and I have enjoyed this forced time to step back.

Like many of us in Sydney we have become a population of walkers and outside explorers! I have been walking morning and afternoon and this is something I plan to hold onto and it has been an excellent adjunct to my Yoga and Meditation Practice.

Spending a lot more time on devices; having watched more TV than ever before and I now left with tension in my right shoulder due to holding the mouse of my computer incorrectly…. This is not so good!

So… things to keep and things to let go of!

Now that we are returning to Yoga classes and peering out slowly I reflect on being at home and the time I have had with myself and the journey.

The Journey will happen anyway, and you will travel

Tao of the Traveller.

Without Leaving Home.

Minds travel faster than light

Without leaving home,

The traveller conjures the past,

And Imagines the future.

The Sage,

Careful of her destination,

Travels soundlessly

To a dimension outside of time.

Golden, red light

Here Union happens.

It is this that purifies.

It is here the traveller

Becomes the sage.

Father, Mother and Child.

Union of Silence

This is Yoga.